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How the Age of Tech Is Removing the Stigma Around Wearing Hearing Aids

Hearing aids have been through several different perceptions in popular culture. At first, they were seen at modern marvels, miracles of technology that could let once deaf patients hear again. Then, as they became more mainstream hearing aids began to suffer from an image problem—those with hearing trouble were sometimes hesitant to wear a hearing […]

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“Cocktail Party” Hearing Issues and How New Hearing Aids are Trying to Solve Them

Trouble distinguishing speech in a crowded room is one of the classic early signs of hearing loss. And, believe it or not, even with all the recent advancements in technology, helping those with hearing loss distinguish speech in a crowded room is still a challenge. Dubbed as the “cocktail party problem” (based on one of […]

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Did You Know? Getting Treatment for Mild Hearing Loss Early On May Prevent Further Damage

It’s pretty widely known that hearing loss can’t be reversed. But can treating your existing hearing loss help prevent further deterioration? The answer to this is a complicated one. On one hand, hearing, like eyesight, runs on its own mechanism — wearing a hearing aid or eyeglasses can’t stop the deterioration of your hearing or […]

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