Hearing Loss

Pregnancy and Hearing Loss

For many, pregnancy is a time of immense joy and anticipation. However, it can also bring about unexpected changes, including those related to hearing and auditory functioning.

While discussions around prenatal health often focus on more common concerns, the potential for changes in your hearing during pregnancy is a topic of equal importance.

How Can Pregnancy Impact Your Hearing?

Pregnancy itself does not directly cause hearing loss, but it can contribute to physiological changes that may affect hearing health.

Common Conditions that May Cause Hearing Loss and Tinnitus During Pregnancy

Common conditions associated with pregnancy can indirectly affect hearing as the hormonal and metabolic changes accompanying these conditions may exacerbate existing auditory issues or contribute to new-onset hearing problems.

The most common conditions that impact hearing during pregnancy are:

  • Increased Progesterone: Progesterone is an essential hormone for a healthy pregnancy. However, the increased production can alter the nerve cell activity of the inner ear, negatively affecting hearing.
  • High Blood Pressure: The ear is very sensitive to changes in blood flow, meaning high blood pressure can cause tinnitus and hearing loss. High blood pressure can also be a sign of preeclampsia which can cause organ damage. If you suspect you have high blood pressure, it is best to speak to your doctor right away to avoid any significant complications.
  • Iron Deficiency: During pregnancy, women are at an increased risk of anemia. Symptoms of iron deficiency may include hearing loss and tinnitus. Make sure your diet includes prenatal vitamins with sufficient iron and iron-rich foods like spinach, legumes, turkey, red meat, broccoli, and dark chocolate.
  • Ear and Sinus Infections: The immune system is suppressed during pregnancy making you more susceptible to infections, including ear and sinus infections. These particular infections can trigger tinnitus and temporary hearing loss.
  • Headaches and Migraines: For individuals who are prone to headaches and migraines, pregnancy may make it worse. These conditions can lead to noise sensitivity and increase or exacerbate the experience of hearing loss and tinnitus.

In most cases, hearing loss and tinnitus during pregnancy are nothing to worry about. However, it may indicate serious underlying conditions so it is always best to speak to your doctor and eliminate the concern.

Is Tinnitus Common During Pregnancy?

Tinnitus is believed to impact 1 in 3 pregnant women compared to 1 in 10 non-pregnant women in the same age group. And 2 out of 3 women that have experienced tinnitus before pregnancy report worse symptoms after becoming pregnant.

Most women report tinnitus symptoms to be at their worst during the second and third trimester.

For women who first experience tinnitus during pregnancy, it is typically present for the pregnancy duration but reduces or disappears after the baby is born.

Pregnancy and Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSNHL)

Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy can impact the delicate balance of bodily fluids, including those in the ears. Increased blood volume, necessary to support the development of the fetus, can also lead to changes in ear pressure.

Sudden sensorineural hearing loss (SSNHL) is a rare but alarming condition that can occur during pregnancy, causing a sudden and significant decrease in hearing sensitivity.

Expectant mothers experiencing sudden hearing loss should seek immediate medical attention to determine the underlying cause and receive appropriate treatment to optimize hearing health for both themselves and their baby.

Signs of Hearing Loss During Pregnancy

During pregnancy, it is important to be mindful of any changes in hearing and to recognize potential signs of hearing loss.

  • Symptoms to watch for include:
  • Muffled hearing, where sounds may seem distant or unclear
  • Difficulty understanding speech, especially in noisy environments
  • Ringing or buzzing in the ears, known as tinnitus.

If these symptoms persist or worsen over time, it is advisable to seek help from an audiologist.

This is particularly important if hearing changes begin to impact daily activities or cause concern about the well-being of the baby. An audiologist can conduct a thorough evaluation, which may include hearing tests, to determine the underlying cause of symptoms.

How to Protect Your Hearing During Pregnancy

Here are some measures and lifestyle adjustments to consider when trying to prevent hearing loss during pregnancy:

1) Minimize Exposure to Loud Noises

Take steps to avoid loud noises as they can exacerbate auditory changes and contribute to hearing loss and tinnitus.
When using headphones or earbuds, reduce the volume to avoid potential damage.

2) Use Hearing Protection

If you have to be around noisy environments, wear hearing protection. When attending concerts and sporting events, or when around construction sites or machinery, the right hearing protection can significantly reduce the likelihood of damage.

3) Lifestyle Adjustments

Maintaining good overall ear health is integral to preventing hearing loss during pregnancy. Adopting a healthy lifestyle with regular exercise, adequate hydration, and a balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can support optimal auditory function.

Certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids found in fish, nuts, and seeds, have been shown to promote ear health and may help protect against both pregnancy-related and age-related hearing loss. Similarly, an iron-rich diet can reduce the risk of anemia during pregnancy, further protecting your health.

Managing and Treating Hearing Loss in Pregnancy

During pregnancy, managing hearing loss requires a delicate balance between ensuring the safety of both mother and baby while addressing any discomfort or challenges associated with auditory changes.

Avoiding noisy environments, using hearing protection, staying healthy, and reducing stress can all help prevent, manage, or treat hearing loss in pregnancy.

If you are experiencing hearing loss and are concerned about your symptoms, consult an audiologist. They can help you determine what exactly is happening and support you in finding the right solutions or interventions.

Find Support at Chicago Hearing Services

Pregnancy brings a lot of changes to the body and some can feel quite concerning. Don’t let hearing loss symptoms be a source of anxiety. An audiologist can answer your questions and ease your mind.

Our Doctors of Audiology are trained to support you on your hearing health journey whether you are experiencing new or worsening hearing loss, tinnitus, have questions about hearing loss and pregnancy, or are seeking custom hearing protection.

We are passionate about hearing health and will take the time to listen to your concerns and work with you to identify the best solution for your needs. Schedule a consultation here.


Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D.

Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D. is the owner of Chicago Hearing Services and a Doctor of Audiology dedicated to empowering her patients and the public with greater knowledge and education around hearing health.

About Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D.

Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D. is the owner of Chicago Hearing Services and a Doctor of Audiology dedicated to empowering her patients and the public with greater knowledge and education around hearing health.