Veteran Hearing Evaluation FAQs

What can I expect?
When you come in for a hearing evaluation for your compensation and pension evaluation, we will have you fill out the above document to get a clear understanding of your hearing health history as it relates to your military experience. Next, we will perform the full hearing evaluation. The audiologist will not be able to go over the results with you at the end of this test. We will be sending a report to the VA with our results as well as your report of hearing health.
Can I get a copy of my results?
Our relationship with the VA Contractors mandate that we not reveal the results of your hearing evaluation to you via written or verbal communication at the time of your appointment. However, these results will be available as part of your VA Medical Records after your claim has been completed through the VA. This is available by contacting the VA release of information department (202)745-8341.
HIPAA Access my Health Information 45 CFR § 164.524 ​does apply, but the records department for the VA Contractor where the appointment was originally scheduled must be contacted for records release. ​If you have further questions about your records or the process, please call LHI (888-852-1988) or VES (877-637-8387) directly at the following numbers to discuss the steps with a veteran liaison.
Thank you for your service.
It may seem commonplace and trite to say, "Thank you for your service," but Chicago Hearing Services genuinely appreciates the services you have provided to keep this great country safe. Our freedom doesn't happen without the dedication and commitment of our Veterans and Chicago Hearing Services honor our Veterans. Thank you.