
Lenire Treatment for Tinnitus

Those living with tinnitus know how physically and emotionally draining it can be. And because tinnitus does not currently have a cure, effective treatment and management are key.

For the 10% of the population living without reprieve from their symptoms, new advancements in tinnitus treatment offer new hope.

The Lenire treatment for tinnitus can provide effective relief and help people feel like themselves again.

As Chicago’s first certified provider of Lenire treatment, we are excited to share more about it.

​What is Lenire Treatment for Tinnitus?

Lenire is an evidence-based tinnitus treatment that provides relief using headphones, sound, and a device that sends pulses to the tongue.

Studies have found that this treatment can reduce tinnitus symptoms as the pulses distract the individual from the internal tinnitus sound, rewiring the brain.

Approved for use in 2023, Lenire features a plastic mouthpiece with stainless steel electrodes on it. When placed on the tongue, it provides electrical stimulation.

This is one of the first devices of its kind to be FDA-approved for tinnitus and clinical trials have found 83% of participants experienced a reduction in symptoms.

How Lenire Treatment Works

Lenire treatment is most effective for individuals who have experienced consistent tinnitus symptoms for at least three months. The treatment should be performed for two 30 minute sessions twice a day, for at least 12 weeks.

During these sessions, patients will experience a mild tickling sensation on the tongue while calming tones and ocean-wave sounds play through the headphones.

The treatment includes a controller where the patient can control the volume of sound in the headphones as well as the intensity of the tongue pulses. The controller can also be used to start, pause, and restart the treatment session.

The stimulation applied to the nerves of the tongue, combined with the auditory stimulation, helps neutralize tinnitus symptoms through a process known as neuromodulation.

In simpler terms, neuromodulation can be thought of as a type of science-backed distraction. By adding two unique sensations, the brain can redirect its focus away from the tinnitus buzz or ringing and begin to help the brain change the perception of tinnitus symptoms.

Is Lenire Treatment Covered by Insurance?

Unfortunately, Lenire treatment is not covered by insurance nor billable to insurance at this time.

The good news is that your Health Savings Account (HSA) or Flexible Savings Account (FSA) can be used to help offset the out-of-pocket costs associated with this treatment.

Where to Get Lenire Treatment for Tinnitus

Because the treatment is new and providers must undergo certification, options are limited. The good news is that treatment is available at Chicago Hearing Services.

Dr. Emily Dudley has completed the Lenire certification and is the first certified provider in Chicago, IL.

If you are interested in receiving Lenire treatment for tinnitus relief, we are your solution.

Seek Relief for Tinnitus with Chicago Hearing Services

While Lenire is not a cure-all for chronic tinnitus symptoms, it has shown remarkable promise in providing tinnitus relief. It is a safe and non-invasive treatment with no known adverse side effects.

If you are in the Chicago area and experience chronic tinnitus symptoms, visit Chicago Hearing Services – book your Lenire consultation today.

Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D.

Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D. is the owner of Chicago Hearing Services and a Doctor of Audiology dedicated to empowering her patients and the public with greater knowledge and education around hearing health.

About Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D.

Dr. Marie Vetter-Toalson Au.D. is the owner of Chicago Hearing Services and a Doctor of Audiology dedicated to empowering her patients and the public with greater knowledge and education around hearing health.