The 4 Biggest Hearing Loss Myths and The Truths Behind Them

The world of hearing heath suffers from a lot of misconceptions and hearsay. As an audiologist, a part of my job is to educate patients and the general public about facts related to hearing health. Here are four of the most common hearing health myths, and the truth behind them: Nothing helps hearing loss — […]

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Need to Save Money on Your Hearing Aids? Learn About Our Unbundled Service Plan and Custom Built Service Plan

When looking at getting hearing aids and going to most traditional practices, the audiologist services are bundled into the cost of the hearing aids. These services may be for a certain period of time or for the life of the hearing aid. At Chicago Hearing Services, in order to give our patients the best possible […]

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Why Saving Money by Avoiding Hearing Care Will Cost You In the Long Run

One of the main reasons we hear for patients not getting their hearing check-up is the cost associated with treatment. The issue is made worse by the fact that hearing health insurance coverage is so spotty in this country. Many insurance companies classify hearing aids as an elective treatment and use that as an excuse […]

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U might have a hearing loss if…

You can hear people but they sound like they talk with a mouthful of marbles. You can’t understand people when they try to whisper a sweet nothing in your ear. Having a conversation with someone in another room is unheard of.  Who can understand someone in another room?? You can’t understand people who do not […]

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