Many times when I recommend a hearing aid patients will say, “do I really have to wear that?” This is also the common answer that dentists receive when they recommend a mouth guard to a patient for the treatment of TMJ.
Fear not, there is now a new treatment for TMJ and you do not have to wear a mouth guard. Gone will be the days of drooling at night and looking unattractive all while relieving TMJ.
I know you are wondering why is this blog about hearing and audiology talking about TMJ. We see many patients that experience TMJ but its symptoms feel like an ear infection or the TMJ causes tinnitus. More importantly, I’m talking about TMJ because a new, just released, product was developed by an audiologist. TMJ next generation are earplugs specifically designed to help relieve the painful symptoms of TMJ.

Now I do not treat TMJ and that is the role of a physician or dentist, but I think these are pretty cool. If you are experiencing TMJ and the fear of an unattractive mouth guard is large, consider checking out these plugs! The best part, you have to see an audiologist to be fit with them after your physician or dentist referral.
For me as a professional, I’m always excited to see, hear, and learn about new products to improve patient’s lives. Whether that be a hearing aid to improve communication or specialty plugs to help relieve issues from TMJ, I’m all about it. Remember Audiology can be a part of anyone’s life, which is why I love this profession!