It’s not just Holiday Season it’s hearing aid battery season!

As Christmas is quickly approaching, I have to let you in on a small secret… the toys you are buying you children or grandchildren, they are probably going to require batteries!  Do not forget to purchase a few packs of batteries or that child is not going to be happy when they can’t play with […]

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Noise — the Bad Boy of Sports and Audiology

This is written so well, as an audiologist, I had to repost. Loud is not always good. This past weekend it was reported that Seattle Seahawk stadium was so loud it registered 134dB. That’s enough to cause acoustic trauma. Remember protect your hearing!   […]

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Buyer Beware of Hearing Aids from the Internet

I’m sorry for the hiatus, but the holiday was a great time to rejuvenate, recover, and rethink! As people discover I’m an audiologist and finally figure out what it is I do, they immediately have questions for me.  This is particularly important if they themselves or their family members have hearing loss.  A common question […]

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There’s no time to wait on the hearing aid process… otherwise it may become haunting!

Happy Halloween!!  I was going to get a great picture of a great audiology costume but I’m sad to report there weren’t many ideas or great costume ideas so this is what I had to settle for to wish you all a very Happy Halloween! Lately I have been having a lot of questions from […]

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Continue Hearing Your Favorite Band

Because October is Protect your Hearing Month I cannot go without talking about one of the pivotal moments of my life!  During one of my Audiology classes Gail Whitelaw, PhD, mentioned her friend, Michael Santucci, AuD, and at that moment I knew I was moving to Chicago.  Why do you ask?  Well, Michael has a […]

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