Our Independence (and hearing protection)

Tomorrow is the 4th of July.  It is a day of celebrating our nation’s independence.  Our nation’s independence allows for so many things in our lives including freedom, family, work, religion, and much more.  At times I find myself taking advantage of my independence and taking it for granted as well.  I see my patients […]

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All about the Buzz Feed (Tinnitus)

Yes this is an audiology blog and no I’m not writing about the ever popular website Buzz Feed but rather the buzz feed that many people here in their ears.  This feed is called tinnitus.  There are many causes of tinnitus ranging from excessive noise exposure, head trauma, medications, and ear disorders.  Tinnitus is very common and […]

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A New Era has Arrived for Hearing Aids!

I’M EXCITED! I’m at a point in my career to see something that is transformational!  I have now witnessed in my career a new technology breakthrough that I am excited about!  This new technology development is the first made for iPhone hearing aid!  This hearing aid, the Resound LiNX, is the first of its kind. Why is this […]

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Have you Been to NAMM? Know the risk of loud noise exposure

Yes I know it has been a few weeks since my last blog post.  I’ve been busy doing audiology stuff so no worries. Each year in January musicians, business owners, and others flock to Anaheim, California for the annual NAMM Show (National Association of Music Merchants).  It is a four-day trade show that encompasses all things […]

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Who is your role model? An audiologist’s perspective

We have all had a role model in our lives.  Someone that we idolized, someone we wanted to be like, someone we honored.  Discussions about what is a good role model, are current role models for children honest and someone to adore may arise when visiting with adults.  I find myself full of gratitude and […]

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Misinterpretation is never a good thing – Support for hearing aids

While sitting at my desk on a cold January day, I needed something to make me chuckle and lighten the rather gray and sullen mood.  I was going through some old emails and stumbled upon this!  It is a great joke that is just too good to pass up and not to share!   This […]

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Buyer Beware of Hearing Aids from the Internet

I’m sorry for the hiatus, but the holiday was a great time to rejuvenate, recover, and rethink! As people discover I’m an audiologist and finally figure out what it is I do, they immediately have questions for me.  This is particularly important if they themselves or their family members have hearing loss.  A common question […]

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I Want to Be Just Like You, An Audiologist!

When I ask a small child what they want to be when they grow up, I never hear “An Audiologist”.  Instead I hear fireman, nurse, teacher, doctor, princess, spaceman and other creative ideas.  I’m happy to say though, that recently when I asked my 9-year-old sister, Kathleen, she replied, “I want to be just like […]

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