By Popular Demand… Ear wax!

Today we aren’t voting for our favorite ice cream flavor or our favorite new movie.  On this cold dreary day in Chicago, I am dreaming about sitting in the sun eating some Jeni’s ice cream in Grandview, Ohio as my friends and I used to do to escape graduate school.  Instead I am discussing a much hotter […]

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All about the Buzz Feed (Tinnitus)

Yes this is an audiology blog and no I’m not writing about the ever popular website Buzz Feed but rather the buzz feed that many people here in their ears.  This feed is called tinnitus.  There are many causes of tinnitus ranging from excessive noise exposure, head trauma, medications, and ear disorders.  Tinnitus is very common and […]

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Let’s Start Building Solid Relationships Today! An audiologist’s perspective

Have you ever been on vacation somewhere enjoying the day and meet someone you connect with?  It may be over something simple like even a glass of wine.  This past weekend my brother and I ventured up to the Russian River Valley in California wine country.  It was here at Inman Family Winery that I knew I found my […]

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U might have a hearing loss if…

You can hear people but they sound like they talk with a mouthful of marbles. You can’t understand people when they try to whisper a sweet nothing in your ear. Having a conversation with someone in another room is unheard of.  Who can understand someone in another room?? You can’t understand people who do not […]

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Misinterpretation is never a good thing – Support for hearing aids

While sitting at my desk on a cold January day, I needed something to make me chuckle and lighten the rather gray and sullen mood.  I was going through some old emails and stumbled upon this!  It is a great joke that is just too good to pass up and not to share!   This […]

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It’s not just Holiday Season it’s hearing aid battery season!

As Christmas is quickly approaching, I have to let you in on a small secret… the toys you are buying you children or grandchildren, they are probably going to require batteries!  Do not forget to purchase a few packs of batteries or that child is not going to be happy when they can’t play with […]

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Noise — the Bad Boy of Sports and Audiology

This is written so well, as an audiologist, I had to repost. Loud is not always good. This past weekend it was reported that Seattle Seahawk stadium was so loud it registered 134dB. That’s enough to cause acoustic trauma. Remember protect your hearing!   […]

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Buyer Beware of Hearing Aids from the Internet

I’m sorry for the hiatus, but the holiday was a great time to rejuvenate, recover, and rethink! As people discover I’m an audiologist and finally figure out what it is I do, they immediately have questions for me.  This is particularly important if they themselves or their family members have hearing loss.  A common question […]

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I Want to Be Just Like You, An Audiologist!

When I ask a small child what they want to be when they grow up, I never hear “An Audiologist”.  Instead I hear fireman, nurse, teacher, doctor, princess, spaceman and other creative ideas.  I’m happy to say though, that recently when I asked my 9-year-old sister, Kathleen, she replied, “I want to be just like […]

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